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Voluntary Vehicle Repair Program | Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Voluntary Vehicle Repair Program (VVRP)?

The VVRP pays a portion of emissions-related vehicle repairs after a failed emissions test. This program promotes improved air quality for all Arizonans by encouraging, incentivizing and assisting vehicle owners with ensuring their vehicle emissions meet federal standards.


How do I apply for the program?

Just bring in your vehicle and "failed emissions sheet" to Ramsey Auto Center and we will do the rest. 


Where can I get my vehicle repaired?
Ramsey Auto Center 


Why do I have to use an approved VVRP repair facility?

To help get you back on the road faster, ADEQ screens auto repair facilities to ensure you are taking your vehicle to a recognized partner facility that will make the repairs necessary to guarantee a passing emissions test.


What happens if I don’t want the approved VVRP repair facility to repair my vehicle after they give me the estimate?

No problem, you will just need to cover the cost of the repair facility’s diagnostic service ($75). 

Opting Out: If the repair facility provides its diagnosis and you decide not to proceed with repairs, your vehicle will no longer be eligible to participate in VVRP until the next time you need to register your car in Arizona.


Can I take my car to another shop for a second opinion and still participate in the program?

No. To participate in the program, you must proceed with the repairs at the approved VVRP repair facility that diagnosed your vehicle and provided you with the repair estimate.


Who pays the $900?

Ramsey Auto Center bills ADEQ directly for up to $900 in repairs for all gasoline and light-duty diesel vehicles. The vehicle owner must cover the $100 deductible plus any additional cost of repairs that the $900 does not cover. 


When can I apply for the program?

Within 60 days of failing a required emissions inspection.


How early can I get the required emissions test?

Beginning 90 days prior to your vehicle registration expiration date.


When does my enrollment in VVRP expire?

Once you are enrolled, you have 60 days to visit Ramsey Auto Center and receive a repair estimate.


Why is ADEQ calling me?

As a courtesy, ADEQ calls and emails you to help you take advantage of the program and provide assistance.


When can I revisit the emissions testing station after I’ve enrolled in the program?

Once Ramsey Auto Center has completed the repairs, you must have your vehicle re-tested at an emissions inspection station ASAP. We recommend the location on 59th Ave & Bell Rd- they are much faster.


What if my car doesn’t pass the retest? 

It will. However, if your car does not pass the retest, return your vehicle to Ramsey Auto Center. We guarantee all emissions work. 


All information on this page was resourced directly from the ADEQ VVRP Website and then we spiced it up a bit.

Click either yellow box to research the actual VVRP disclosures and F&Q. If you're into that sort of thing.

Voluntary Vehicle Repair Program Overview



The Voluntary Vehicle Repair Program (VVRP) pays up to $900 toward the cost of emissions-related vehicle repairs after a failed emissions test.

Vehicle owner must meet program requirements and pay a $100 co-pay toward repairs.

Program Eligibility Requirements

You may qualify if you meet all of the following requirements:

  • You apply for the program within 60 days of failing a required emissions test and no earlier than 90 days prior to your vehicle registration expiration date.

  • You are listed as the registered owner of said vehicle with the Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division and the vehicle has been registered for the past year. Note that vehicles with expired registrations of 60 days or more are not eligible for the program.

  • Your vehicle is titled in Arizona.

  • Your vehicle’s emissions control system has not been altered.

Participation is limited to one vehicle per owner. Motor homes, motorcycles, salvage vehicles and fleet vehicles are NOT ELIGIBLE to participate in VVRP. 

How to Participate in the Program

Step 1: Speak with an Emissions Testing Station manager after an emissions test failure to verify eligibility requirements and enroll at the station or enroll online.

Step 2: Once approved, bring your vehicle to Ramsey Auto Center to complete the repairs

You pay $100 co-pay and the program pays up to $900 toward repairs and guarantees your vehicle will pass emissions testing.1 Additional repair costs above $1,000 are the responsibility of the vehicle owner.

Step 3: Return your vehicle to any emissions testing station and pass your emissions test. 

Step 4: Renew your registration with ADOT |

Opting Out

If a repair facility provides its diagnosis and you decide not to proceed with repairs, you will be charged a $75 fee for diagnostic services to the repair facility. Your vehicle will no longer be eligible to participate in VVRP until the next time you need to register your car in Arizona.


Visit our frequently asked questions page to learn more

1At the time of an emissions test failure, a vehicle owner will be provided with the code(s) contributing to that failure. If a vehicle fails the retest for the original failure code(s), the repair work is guaranteed by the facility that serviced the vehicle. If the car fails due to new failure codes, those are not guaranteed and owner is responsible for additional needed repairs.
2If you own a heavy-duty diesel vehicle and would like to participate in the program, call 520-628-5395.

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